Association Properties – Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a “Campers Association” and how does it differ from owning a property?
Cottage Associations are defined as an organization of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated or a trust, which holds title to blocks or parcels of land upon which a number of individually owned dwellings are located. The dwellings are owned by persons who are members or shareholders in the Association.
Each Association governs how proof of ownership is demonstrated and has directors to assist members. This differs from a freehold model of land ownership. In freehold land ownership, the person that owns the dwelling also holds title to the property the dwelling is located on.
The following Cottage Associations are located in Shuniah:
- Ishkibbible Beach Limited
- Clover Beach Limited
- Floral Beach Limited
- Green Point Campers’ Association
- West Green Bay /Pebbly Beach Association
- East Green Bay Campers’ Association
- Wild Goose Bay Trust Association
- White Birch Beach
2. How do I pay property taxes, how is my portion of taxes determined?
Each association is regarded as one property and taxed accordingly. Each Association then determines the amount each member/shareholder/tenant is responsible for. For additional information your Association representative would be able to assist you.
3. How to apply for a Building Permit?
Association members looking to apply for a building permit can submit a building permit application to the municipality, with a letter of authorization from the Association. Or, the association can apply for the building permit directly. Association members must contact the Association Directors regarding requesting authority to apply for a building permit.
Each building permit is reviewed individually as each request is unique and has unique circumstances.
Upon receipt of a building permit application, the planning department reviews the building permit application for zoning compliance and the Chief Building Official (CBO) reviews the building permit application for compliance with the Ontario Building Code.
If the application is missing information, we will contact the applicant for the additional information.
If the application meets the requirements the CBO can issue the building permit.