If your call is an emergency call 911 immediately.

Fire Department

Municipality of Shuniah has a volunteer fire department, Shuniah Fire & Emergency Services (SFES), that is overseen by a full-time Fire Chief who possesses statutory authority and assumes all prescribed duties and responsibilities under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act.

The department provides the services of fire suppression, auto extrication, education & prevention and emergency first response. SFES has up-to-date fire apparatus and equipment and has a highly dedicated team that take pride in being a member of the Shuniah firefighter and prevention crew.

The department also works hand in hand with Superior North EMS providing First Response services in our community. First Response teams often arrive on scene before paramedics arrive and can initiate Basic Live Support. As our community is rural in nature and covers a vast area, our first response teams are a vital link in the EMS system.

For additional information on all things related to Shuniah Fire & Emergency Services, please visit the Fire Department’s website at www.shuniahfire.com

Questions or concerns regarding the Fire Service or By-law Enforcement can be directed to:

Fire Chief Blair Arthur
Shuniah Fire & Emergency Services
420 Leslie Avenue
Thunder Bay, ON  P7A 1X8
Phone: (807) 983-2021
Fax: (807) 983-2943
Email: firechief@shuniahfire.com

Questions regarding fire prevention or safety can be directed to the above contact information or by email at fireprevention@shuniah.org

General information can also be acquired at the Municipal Office

Municipality of Shuniah
420 Leslie Ave
Thunder Bay, ON P7A 1X8
Phone: (807) 683-4545
Fax: (807) 683-6982

The Fire Master Plan and Community Risk Assessment was presented to Council on May 30, 2024 and received. The Fire Master Plan is designed to steer the municipality towards the future.

Shuniah Community Risk Assessment 2024

Shuniah Fire Master Plan 2024

Need a Fire Permit?

Open Air Burning Permit

Fireworks Information

For information regarding the sale and setting off of Fireworks within the Municipality of Shuniah please review our Fireworks Pamphlet and Fireworks By-law.

Fireworks Pamphlet

Fireworks By-Law 3292-23


The Municipality of Shuniah contracts policing services to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) through the Thunder Bay OPP Detachment and has local governance through the Lakehead OPP Detachment Board.

The Lakehead OPP Detachment Board consists of 13 members from the surrounding areas served by the OPP Detachment. We currently have two members from Shuniah on the Board, Councillor Don Smith and Community Representative Ralph Falcioni. For additional information please visit the Lakehead OPP Detachment Board website.

The OPP unveiled a new online reporting system that will enable the public to report specific occurrences from a computer. Citizen Self Reporting will offer the public another way to report select incidents which are not an emergency, by completing a report online at their convenience.

The OPP is one of several Ontario police services who have adopted an Internet-based crime reporting system where people can report certain crimes such as lost property, theft from vehicles, and property damage, without an officer having to be dispatched. Only occurrences that do not involve an injury, a suspect or evidence are applicable. An officer will attend if requested by the complainant.

It is expected that Citizen Self Reporting will be beneficial to both the public and the police. It will provide a convenient alternative to the citizens of Ontario, while allowing front line officers to focus their efforts on other enforcement and crime prevention strategies within our communities.

3267 Highway 130,
Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 4V2


Emergency calls: 911

All Inquiries, Emergency and Non-emergency calls: 1-888-310-1122.

website: www.opp.ca

Citizen Self Reporting


Superior North Emergency Medical Services (SNEMS) has opened a new EMS base in Shuniah, located at 1801 Lakeshore Drive, Shuniah Ontario.

Superior North EMS has 18 stations in the City and District. Five stations in the City of Thunder Bay are staffed 24 hours 365 days per year. Paramedics in the City usually work 12 hour, rotating shifts.

All District stations have some combination of “on-site” and “on-call” staffing, with the exception of Armstrong which is staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Geraldton’s shifts are made up of 20 on-site and 4 on-call hours 365 days per year, and all other District stations work a combination of 12 on-site and 12 on-call hours each day. Furthermore, District paramedics work either 4 or 7 consecutive days.

For additional information see the City of Thunder Bay Superior North Emergency Medical Services website page at Superior North EMS

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