Break Open Tickets

The Break Open Ticket application form must be completed, signed by two signing officers or executive of the organization.

All specifications of the application must be completed in full and all answers must be specific. General terms for charitable or religious objectives or purpose, such as “community betterment” or “service club charities” are not acceptable.

The licence fee is 3% of the total prize value. Cheques must be written from the organizations lottery trust account and made payable to The Municipality of Shuniah.

No funds may be transferred to an operating or general account.

The maximum length for a licence is a period of one (1) year.

Any organization selling from a third party location must supply a copy of the proof of registration from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission.

The following is required to accompany the completed break open ticket final report due within 30 days of the expiry of the licence:

  • A copy of all deposit slips including the box numbers deposited
  • A copy of all invoices/receipts
  • A copy of the bank statements for the period of the licence
  • A copy of all cancelled cheques.

Where the licensee has completed the sale of tickets prior to the expiry date on the license, then the license shall be deemed to have expired and the financial report shall be due within 30 calendar days.

All expenses must be clearly stated and withdrawn by cheque.

All items as outlined within the Break Open Ticket Licence Terms and Conditions and the Lottery Licence Terms and Conditions.

Forms required to sell break open tickets

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