Lottery Licensing Overview

Eligible charitable and religious organizations may raise funds through provincially or municipally licensed lottery events.

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) is responsible for administering the lottery licensing program in the province of Ontario. Municipalities are partners with the AGCO in issuing lottery licenses to eligible charitable and religious organizations.

Lottery licensing refers to lottery schemes permitted by a license under the Criminal Code of Canada, including:

  • Bingo
  • Raffle
  • Break open tickets , and
  • Bazaar

Licensed charitable or religious organizations must conduct and manage their events in accordance with licensing policies and the terms and conditions of the licenses and fulfill all prescribed reporting requirements.

Order-in-Council 1413/08 provides that the Registrar of Alcohol, Gaming and Racing and municipal councils may issue lottery licences to charitable organizations.

Charitable Lottery Licensing Overview

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for administering the charitable lottery licensing program in the province. Municipalities and the AGCO are responsible for issuing lottery licences to eligible charitable and religious organizations. Eligible charitable and religious organizations may raise funds through provincially or municipally licensed lottery events.

Lottery licensing refers to lottery schemes permitted by a licence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Typically, these may include bingos, raffles, break open tickets and special occasion gaming events held by charitable or religious organizations. In Ontario, Order in Council 1413/08 authorizes the licensing framework for eligible charitable or religious organizations to hold lottery events and sets out the limits of municipal and provincial licensing. Licensed charitable or religious organizations must conduct and manage their events in accordance with licensing policies and the terms and conditions of the licences and fulfill all prescribed reporting requirements. Information on conducting and managing lottery events can be found in the AGCO’s Lottery Licensing Policy Manual, which provides an outline of the legal and policy framework and administrative procedures for lottery licensing purposes.

Lottery Licences issued by the Municipality

The Order in Council provides municipalities with licensing authority for:

  • bingo events, with prize boards of up to $5,500;
  • media bingo events with prizes up to $5,500;
  • break open tickets for local organizations;
  • raffle lotteries for total prizes of $50,000 and under; and
  • bazaar lotteries which include: wheels of fortune with a maximum bet of $2.00, raffles not exceeding $500, and bingo events up to $500.

The municipality may attach terms and conditions to a licence, in addition to those established by the province, provided that they do not conflict with provincial Terms and Conditions or policies.

If you have any questions related to Lottery Licensing, contact:

Municipal Clerk


Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario:

Provincial Office
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario
Gaming Registration & Lotteries
90 Sheppard Ave E Suite 200
Toronto, On
M2N 0A4

Phone: (416) 326-8700
Toll Free 1-800-522-2876
Fax: (416) 326-8711

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