Post-Lottery and Annual Filing Requirements

Charitable Organizations are required to file the following documents annually with the Lottery Licensing Office immediately following their fiscal year end unless otherwise indicated below:

  • Cover Letter outlining the amount of funds the Organization is requesting to raise during their upcoming fiscal year period via the conduct of lottery events, including proposed use of lottery proceeds;
  • Current List of Board of Directors – complete with full names, term elected for, and City and Province of each Director;
  • Copy of current Operating Budget reflecting proposed revenue and expenditures for the Organization’s entire operation for the upcoming fiscal year;
  • Copy of Annual Financial Statement for the Organization’s entire operation (audited where applicable/signed by three of the licensees Board of Director’s) as soon as it is practical to do so;
  • Statement of Compliance;

The Annual Filing Requirements must be submitted to the Lottery Licensing Office within 180 days of its fiscal year end.

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