Planning Applications

The Planning Department provides by-law interpretation for both Council and the public; technical guidance to Council and the public; policy advisor to Committee of Adjustment and processes various planning applications under the Planning Act. All construction, development, and use, which include plans of subdivision, must comply with the provisions of the Zoning By-law and conform to the policies of the Official Plan as well as the Planning Act and Provincial Policies.

Pre-consultation for all planning applications is required. When submitting a planning application, please ensure the mandatory information is included. The draft application can be emailed to the Clerk or dropped off at the Municipal Office for pre-consultation review.

Once pre-consultation is complete, the complete planning application MUST be signed by the property owner(s) or authorized agent in the presence of the Commissioner, Notary Public, etc. and the original application submitted to the Municipal Office with the appropriate fee and Lakehead Region Conservation Authority Fee.

Minor Variance and Consent Applications are processed by the Committee of Adjustment and hearings are scheduled as the applications are submitted.

  • Minor Variance Hearings will be held within 30 days of receipt of a complete application, with a 20-day appeal period following the decision.
  • Consent Hearings will be held within 90 days of receipt of a complete application, with a 20-day appeal period following the decision.

Committee of Adjustment Members:

Bill Paul – Chair

William Covello

JoAnne Hamelin

Lawrence Kellar

Donna McGrath

Jennifer Kruzick, Secretary-Treasurer


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