Zoning By-law 2038-00

Zoning By-law No.2038-00, as amended, implements the designations as set within the Shuniah Official Plan. The By-law establishes zones within which permitted land uses are defined; and regulations, provisions and requirements for them are set out. The purpose of these is to establish and to implement minimum standards of health, safety, and general welfare in the community, and to facilitate sound municipal financial management, as it relates to land use.

The zoning by-law has been amended over time so keep in mind that this copy has been prepared for the purposes of convenience only and is not necessarily a true copy of the by-law; the original by-laws are lodged in the Municipal Clerk’s office.

The Zoning Map

The Zoning Map is a schedule of By-law No.2038-00, it identifies the areas of the specific zones within the Municipality. This online copy of the zoning map is not the original schedule, but a more convenient copy; however it does not include mapping amendments at this time.

The Municipality of Shuniah accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this copy. The original map and amendments thereto are lodged in the Municipal Clerk’s office.


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